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Soleterre Ukraine Program – At the Oncological Pediatric Department of the main Hospital in Kiev (Ukraine) the italian Organizaion Soleterre NGO is supporting the care of many young hospitalized patients with diagnosis, operations, medical care, medecines and feeding.

At the same time a part of the staff were arranging as many important secondary activities as entrattainment, ludic moments, psychological assistance and aftercare. It was valued very importantant for kid to practice recreational activities to amuse themselves and face the desease. As much important was the participation of foreign guys to increase people involved in the Project. It was planning a first pilot voluntary service holiday for italian boys and girls: two weeks playing with patients, supporting the staff and the recreational activities. The sustainability of the Project was to place foreign staff and voluntaries side by side with the local ones. It was an amazing esperience for both of them.

In ward, a smile is as much important as a good medical care.


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