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TIMEMADE is the experience of a slow step in design, the need for a certain carefreeness that can only be gained by practicing the pathways of materials. There is a certain naturalness in being able to see and practise the occurrence of a cut, in knowing what shapes can play in harmony.

Materials, design and tools. Inside them, the use of time. TIMEMADE is a return to things. To the proper timing of thongs. To things made of time, to time made with things. At the roof of the project, there is the idea that between materials and forms there is an appropriateness that can be grasped in the sensibility that only a confidence, gained with the time of doing, can make happen. TIMEMADE is the experience of a slow step in design, the need for a certain carefreeness that can only be gained by practicing the pathways of materials. There is a certain naturalness in being able to see and practice the occurrence of a cut, in knowing what shapes can play in harmony. There’s a need in remembering that wood is already a matter of growth, of processes, of time. That it is not only about shapes, but also about botany and morphology. Hence, the graft represents one of the ways in which forms, times and tools come together. It is a way of understanding design: grafting the respective times, materials, tools and forms, knowing when to stop, when to slow down and when to quit. And only at the end, eventually recognising a use. An accident that, like attention in time-thought, rearticulates experience: it finds other affinities.

A project by DAVID DOLCINI
Placed in RIVIERA Milano

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